What to Do When There Is a Gas Leak

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Natural gas is perfectly safe and reliable when the corresponding gas lines and connections are installed right and properly maintained. Nonetheless, if you suspect you may have a gas leak, it’s important to get in touch with a plumber in Sun City, AZ, from Deer Valley Plumbing Contractors. Here’s what we recommend doing when there’s a gas leak.

Know the Signs of a Gas Leak

Even if proper gas line installation was done, gas lines can be affected by age-related wear and corrosion. This is why the first thing to do is know signs that suggest you likely have a gas leak so you can take action ASAP. These signs include:

  • A smell of sulfur or rotten eggs
  • Bubbles in water
  • A visibility rusty or worn gas line
  • Suddenly decaying or dying houseplants
  • A whistling or hissing sound around a gas line

Get to a Safe Place

Before you worry about gas line replacement and other services that can remedy a gas line leak, get to a safe place outside of your home. It’s important to do this since an active gas line leak is extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

Reach Out for Help

Contact your local gas company first so the gas going to your home can be properly shut off. When given the all-clear, contact us so your gas line can be safely evaluated, repaired, or replaced. Once the leak is taken care of, be diligent about gas line maintenance to reduce the risk of having additional issues with leaks.

We’re Ready to Assist You

Deer Valley Plumbing Contractors is your trusted local source for gas line repair in Sun City, AZ. We can also let you know if replacement is worth considering. We take care of all the details involved with new installations as well.
Call or reach out to us via our online contact form today to find out more about our gas line services.

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