What Is The Average Water Usage Per Household?

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It’s been estimated that the average US family has about 320 gallons of average water usage per day. This includes amenities like toilets, faucets, bathtubs, shower, as well as outdoor water systems in pools and sprinklers. It’s crucial to be aware of how long you are running water no matter what appliance you’re using. This is to not only save your water bill but to also conserve water for the future. Making small changes in your daily routine like shortening your showers by 5 minutes can save over 9,000 gallons of water per year.

How Much Does Each Appliance Contribute to Your Average Water Usage

As you can see, there are countless ways to conserve water usage to benefit yourself and others. Deer Valley Plumbing offers options like solar water heaters that are perfect for Arizona residents that are looking for alternative water heating options. You may also consider low-flow toilets and showerheads, or efficient sprinkler nozzles. Even hand washing your dishes instead of using a dishwasher can save you nearly 10 gallons of water per load.

Check For Leaks

Another important aspect of watching your water usage is to always keep a lookout for leaks. The US EPA states that a toilet that runs all day can waste about 200 gallons of water and cost you serious money. Checking for leaks around your house can be tiring and difficult to notice initially, but if they get out of hand you’ll lose precious water and be paying out of pocket for it. Fortunately, Deer Valley Plumbing can supply you with leak inspection teams when you are unsure about the state of your home. Our plumbers are experts at leak detection and repair so that you don’t have to worry about finding and fixing it yourself.

If you are concerned about possible leaks in your home or want to learn more ways to save water, contact Deer Valley Plumbing today at 602.832.8418.

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