Signs of a Gas Leak

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Many homeowners rely on natural gas for heating purposes. When it’s properly installed and maintained, you shouldn’t have any problems. However, if you suspect you have a gas leak, you will need a plumber in Surprise, AZ, from Deer Valley Plumbing to come to your home to perform an inspection and make repairs. 

Here are the biggest signs that you have a gas leak:

Distinctive Smell

A key sign that you have a gas leak is a distinctive smell of sulfur or rotten eggs. This odor can be taken as a warning that you need a gas line repair in Surprise, AZ. Don’t take chances as you can risk the health of your family if you don’t have this issue addressed quickly.

Hissing Sounds

Hissing sounds are a common sign that you have a gas leak. They signify that gas is leaking out of a pipe, which means that you may need a gas line replacement. Call a professional from our team right away to come to your home to check it out.

Dead Grass or Bubbles in Your Yard

Natural gas kills grass and other plant life. As a result, if you notice a dead spot or bubbles in your yard, the culprit is probably a gas leak. Regular gas line maintenance can prevent this problem, but you need immediate attention when you spot this sign of a gas leak.

Physical Signs

You may need immediate gas line services if you notice certain physical signs in the members of your household, including your pets. Those symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and respiratory issues. Your face may also become pale when you are exposed to a gas leak. Everyone may have to evacuate until a professional comes to fix your gas line.

If you live in Arizona and need a new gas line installation or other services, contact Deer Valley Plumbing at your earliest convenience. Call us or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.

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