Repair a Leaking Shower: Here’s What to Do

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“If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” We have all said it, and we all know it’s true. So what happens if that ‘it’ just happens to be a leaking shower faucet? Well that’s an ‘it’ that is costing you money. Water bills can be a drag, but why not try to keep them as low as possible by fixing that leak you’ve got. Deer Valley Plumbing is has a few tips on how to repair a leaking shower.

Repair a Leaking Shower: Fixing the Faucet Handle

Step 1

Make sure that the faucet handle is turned as far as it can go in the off position.

Step 2

Turn off the water valves. These will be located in the bathroom or basement. If you cannot locate the water valves, turn off the main water valve to your home. This should be located outside of the front of your home. Attempt to turn the shower on and confirm that no water comes out.

Step 3

Remove the faucet handle. This is the handle that is used to turn the shower on and off. Pry off the handle cap (located at the outside tip of the handle) with a pocketknife. This will expose the internal handle screw. Unscrew the handle screw with a screwdriver. If it does not come off, heat it with a hair dryer. If that does not work, purchase a handle puller from a hardware or home improvement store.

Step 4

Remove the cartridge. The cartridge is a large ring that is adjacent to the wall. It will be exposed after you remove the faucet handle. Use a cartridge puller. This can be found at a hardware or home improvement store as well.

Step 5

Install a new cartridge. This can be purchased at a hardware or home improvement store also. Screw on the new cartridge in the same place you removed the previous cartridge.

Step 6

Make sure the handle is in the “Off” position. If the shower faucet is no longer leaking, the problem has been fixed. If the shower faucet is still leaking, proceed to fix the faucet.

Repair a Leaking Shower: Fixing the Shower Faucet

Step 1

Turn off the water valves if they are not already off. These will be located in the bathroom or basement. If you cannot locate the water valves, turn off the main water valve to your home. This should be located outside of the front of your home. Attempt to turn the shower on and confirm that no water comes out.

Step 2

Remove the shower faucet. Use a wrench or pliers. Allow any remaining water to drain out of the faucet.

Step 3

Replace the rubber gasket. This is located inside the faucet. A new gasket can be purchased at a hardware or home improvement store. Make sure that it fits properly and does not move while inside the faucet.

Step 4

Re-attach the shower faucet. Use a wrench or pliers to fasten it back to its original position.

Step 5

Make sure the shower is no longer leaking. If it is still leaking, contact the professionals at Deer Valley.

24 Hour Emergency Service to Repair a Leaking Shower

These two methods are usually helpful when you repair a leaking shower. Once you have done these two things, we are almost sure you’ll save some money on that water bill! Like we said earlier, you’re still having a problem, give us a call at 602.832.8418 or visit our Contact Us page! We offer 24 Hour Emergency Service to both our residential and commercial clients. If you call any of our numbers after hours, you will be redirected automatically to our after-hours answering service, and you will be speaking to a live representative. So don’t hesitate, just pick up the phone and dial us up!

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