How Your Water Filtration System Can Affect Your Plants

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When it comes to filtration systems, the first association you make probably does not have to do with your garden. Most of us are conscious about how our drinking water is filtered and purified, but it is worth knowing what effects a filtration system will have on your vegetation and plants as well. That way, you can ensure that they are getting the best nutrition to grow and thrive.

How A Water Filtration System Works

Filtration systems are actually not as complicated as one may think. There are a few main types of water treatment systems. Each implement different methods, but all result in clean and purified water that is safe for use, from drinking to plant watering. Knowing a little about how each one works and the benefits can help you make an informed decision when it comes to choosing the system that is right for you.

Reverse Osmosis

These filters are perhaps the most common. They use a process called reverse osmosis, which passes water through a filter, and then through a membrane. This membrane allows the water molecules to pass through but blocks any potential contaminants that would not be beneficial for plant life. Finally, the water is treated through a post filter, which is the final step in ensuring that the water that comes out of your faucet is the cleanest and healthiest possible.

Ultraviolet Water Treatment

UV Water Purification systems harness the power of UV light and rays, using lamps set at a specific frequency to kill microorganisms. The light actually attacks the DNA of these microorganisms, taking away their power to function, and therefore, infect. The UV system does not add any components to water, nor does it take any away. It simply harnesses the natural power of the sun to do the disinfecting work, leaving users with an easy and cost-effective method of having clean water for plant watering.

Garden Hose Filters

Another common method of plant watering requires the use of a garden hose water filter. This is usually in the form of an attachment that fits on the end of your hose and removes chlorine and other compounds that may be disadvantageous to maintaining a healthy soil. The filter itself is a simple solution to one who wants clean water for garden use; though a whole home system can accommodate both indoor and outdoor needs.

Filtration Systems to Avoid

One common filtration system that is used in many homes is a Chlorination water system, which involves the treatment of water using a small amount of chlorine that eliminates bacteria and microorganisms. While this is considered primarily to be a good thing, especially when it comes to drinking water, it can actually have an adverse effect on the success of plant growth and vibrancy. Some microbes are actually beneficial to plant soil, therefore, it is in your best interest to use a system that will retain these properties rather than eliminate them.

Your Plants Will Thank You

With multiple options to choose from, it may seem difficult to narrow down to which filtration system will work best to purify the water you wish to use in your garden or while plant watering. The answer is that it is a combination of two methods that prove most effective when it comes to having a healthy and clean system to use for your plant life: a reverse osmosis unit combined with a water softener.A reverse osmosis filtration system removes the impurities found in your water without adding any elements that may be harmful to a plant’s soil, such as chlorine, fluoride, or pesticides. RO systems are also easily cleaned and maintained, meaning you can spend less time worrying about your filtration and more time perfecting your green thumb!

While an RO unit can function smoothly without any other components, something beneficial in the long run would be to combine its capabilities with that of a water softener. A water softener does as the name suggests: it takes the calcium and magnesium, minerals that make water hard, out of the equation. If these aren’t removed, deposits can build up in pipes, wearing them out. The installation of a water softener in conjunction with an RO unit would, therefore, increase the longevity of the membrane in the unit, meaning that you will get more for your money and even cleaner water!

Deer Valley Plumbing Is Your Source for Purified Water

Deer Valley Plumbing is always available to answer any questions regarding water purification and filtration and offers their services to install, repair, or replace your existing system. Clean and healthy water is our top priority; from the water you drink every day to the water your plants enjoy. You will certainly have numerous benefits both in and outside of the home with the right system.

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