Does Hydro Jetting Suit Your Situation?

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Hydro jetting is a common and powerful pipe cleaning method a plumber in Peoria, AZ from Deer Valley Plumbing often uses to get rid of clogged drains. While there are many benefits associated with this cleaning method that uses highly pressurized water to break up stubborn blockages, it’s just as important to know what situations it tends to be most appropriate for.

What’s Causing the Blockage?

The first step we take with drain cleaning in Peoria, AZ is to inspect the drain line that needs some attention. In order to determine if hydro jetting is a suitable solution, one of the things we look at is what’s causing the blockage. Jetting is often effective for drain or sewer lines affected by:

  • Intrusive tree roots
  • Accumulated minerals along pipe walls – also called pipe scale
  • Stubborn debris that can’t be easily cleared away with other methods

How Stable Are Your Pipes?

Hydro jetting is a great way to clear a clogged drain. However, the high water pressure may be too much for older, damaged, or frail pipes to safely handle. This is another reason why a visual inspection is done first before deciding on a cleaning method. Still, jetting is perfectly safe as long as the pipe is stable and the process is done by trained professionals like the ones who are part of our team.

How Much Cleaning and Clearing Needs to Be Done?

When blockages are relegated to one area or fairly minor, drain snaking may be a more suitable option. Jetting is more likely to be recommended if a thorough cleaning is needed, as may be the case with debris that’s more spread out or if pipes need to be prepared for repairs.

If hydro jetting is right for your situation, Deer Valley Plumbing is the drain cleaning company to call on to get the job done. Even if jetting ends up not being recommended, our local pros can use other methods to achieve the same goal.

Contact us today to explore our full range of drain cleaning services in Peoria, AZ. We will be sure to address your clog issues right away. Call us or fill out the online form to schedule an appointment.

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