Bad Hair Day: Common Causes of Low Water Pressure

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When you’re looking up at your shower head (which is dripping at an agonizingly slow pace) and wondering how many hours it’s going take to properly wash yourself in this joke of a water stream, it’s time to look into what’s causing low water pressure in your home. Causes of low water pressure tend to revolve around the state and age of your pipes. Not keeping your water line up to date will result in more than just shower problems; your whole house will suffer from a lack of water. Hiring someone with experience will ensure your pipes a longer lifespan as well as help you get in and out of that shower faster so there are no more bad hair days!

Causes of Low Water Pressure #1: Clogged & Corroded Pipes

One of the common causes of low water pressure is that there’s plenty of debris and mineral buildups that occur in pipes over the years. Sand, dirt, and pollutants enter your home through a fracture in your main waterline. To fix this, plumbing chemicals must be flushed down the drains to break up the debris. Your shower issues may also revolve around another problem that the insides of steel and galvanized pipes have natural corrosion that blocks the flow of water over time. In this situation, your only choice to replace all your pipes.

2. Leaks & Valves

When your pipes are cracked and leaking, this can cause low water pressure because not all of the water is making its way to your faucet. Some of it is leaking through the damaged pipe, in turn, not providing enough water for your shower. This can only be fixed by replacing and resealing the pipe. Another cause of low water pressure is caused by valves turning, which accidentally moves or turns off the main water line. If your main water valve is not shut off or if it is not completely turned on, it will affect all of the water flow in your home.

3. Pressure Regulator Issues

Your water pressure regulator is usually found below the hose connection in the front of your home. If this regulator malfunctions or stops working, it may be the cause of low water pressure in some or all of the water fixtures in your home. Fortunately, you can test this by buying a water pressure test gauge with a hose connection, and screw it onto your hose faucet. Turn all the fixtures in your house off for accurate results. 45 psi to 50 psi is considered low, 60 psi is average, and anything above 80 psi is too much. Having a professional makes this process easier and they can give you helpful advice about what your next step should be and what size pipes you should purchase to fix these shower problems.

How to Fix Your Water Pressure System

Fixing a water pressure system is no easy task that just any amateur can take care of. Having a Deer Valley Plumbing professional by your side is a guarantee that the work will be carried out quickly and correctly. Checking your water line’s condition now will prevent you from having to spend more money in the future when the damages are even worse. It’s easy for your pipes to get harmed during the process of age and weather change, so make sure their maintenance is kept a high priority to avoid future shower problems in the long run.

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