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plumber in Phoenix, AZ

Risks of DIY Drain Snaking

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  Homeowners have to deal with clogs at some point. When you have one that’s bad, be sure to consult a plumber in Phoenix, AZ, from Deer Valley Plumbing so… Read more »

water heater replacement

What Causes Water Heaters to Burst?

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According to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), burst water heaters are one of the most common sources of residential water damage. Fortunately, the plumbers at Deer… Read more »

Faucet Maintenance Tips thumbnail

Faucet Maintenance Tips

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Most people don’t give their faucets much attention until they stop functioning. However, well-maintained bathroom and kitchen faucets can save you the trouble, time and money that comes with failed… Read more »

plumbing company

Our Excavation Services

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There are several reasons why you might need excavation services, prompting you to look for a plumbing company. The good news is that whether it’s servicing sewer lines, repairing burst… Read more »

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