5 Common Plumbing Myths — and the Real Facts!

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In the world of home maintenance, we often find ourselves tangled in a web of myths and misconceptions. One area that seems to be particularly shrouded in mystery is our plumbing systems. It’s an integral part of our homes, silently working behind the scenes to provide us with clean water and carry away waste. But when something goes wrong, we’re often left scratching our heads, wondering what we did to deserve this watery mess. So, what facts are true, and what falsehoods should be flushed down the drain? Let’s dive into five common plumbing misconceptions — and the truth behind them!

Myth 1: Lemon Peels Freshen Up Your Garbage Disposal

Many believe that tossing lemon peels into your garbage disposal will leave it smelling fresh and clean. While the citrus scent might mask unpleasant odors temporarily, the reality is quite different.

Lemon peels can actually damage your disposal blades. The fibrous material can dull the blades over time, reducing their effectiveness. Instead of relying on lemons for a fresh scent, consider cleaning your garbage disposal with a mixture of ice cubes and a little dish soap. This will not only clean the unit but also sharpen the blades. If you love the scent of lemon, you can even add a little lemon extract or citrus-scented essential oil — just skip the peels!

Myth 2: Running Hot Water While Using the Garbage Disposal Helps Get Rid of Waste

It seems logical, right? Hot water melts grease, so running hot water while the garbage disposal is operating should help wash away the waste. Unfortunately, this is a myth. Hot water can cause any grease in your disposal to liquefy, allowing it to travel down your drain. Once it cools, it can solidify and clog your pipes. Cold water is a better option because it keeps the grease solid, allowing the garbage disposal to break it up and send it down the drain in small pieces.

Myth 3: Flushable Wipes are Safe for Your Plumbing System

Despite the name, flushable wipes are a leading cause of sewer line blockages. They don’t break down the same way toilet paper does, leading to potential water damage from back-ups in your plumbing system.

The safe bet? Stick to toilet paper. And if you’re facing a stubborn clog, you’ve tried to pour salt down the drain, and the plunger isn’t working, it’s time to call a professional plumber for drain cleaning in Phoenix instead of reaching for that chemical drain cleaner from your local big-box store. The caustic ingredients in these cleaners can damage your pipes over time, causing more harm than good in the long run.

Myth 4: A Leaky Faucet is No Big Deal

A small drip might not seem like a major plumbing problem, but even a tiny leak can significantly increase your water bill over time. Plus, it’s a waste of a precious resource.

Ignoring a leaky faucet can also lead to bigger problems down the line, such as water damage or a full-blown burst pipe. So, before that small drip turns into a big problem, get your leaky faucet fixed.

Myth 5: Putting a Brick in the Toilet Tank Can Save Water

This myth suggests that a brick in your toilet tank can save water by reducing the amount used with each flush. However, this can actually cause more harm than good.

Over time, the brick may break down and cause issues with your toilet’s flushing mechanism. The brick can also damage your toilet tank as it clunks around, denting or scratching the ceramic surface. A better way to save on your water bill? Consider upgrading to a water-efficient model.

Don’t DIY — Call Deer Valley Plumbing!

When it comes to your home’s plumbing system, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. Misconceptions can lead to unnecessary damage and costly repairs. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to call a professional plumber. Your plumbing system is a vital part of your home, and it deserves expert care.

Looking for a reliable plumbing service in Arizona? At Deer Valley Plumbing, we’re ready to tackle any myth-induced messes and keep your plumbing in top shape. Give us a call today!

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